
Amy Zellmer, Life With a Traumatic Brain Injury, Embracing the Journey, Brain injury, tbi, traumatic brain injury, concussion, pcs, book, author,


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(all orders shipped in US with a $3 s/h fee)
Life With a Traumatic Brain Injury $15
Embracing the Journey $15
Bundle of 2 books – $30Surviving Brain Injury $30
Bundle of all 3 books – $50

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Amy’s Original Book

Life With a TBI authorUPDATE!!Midwest Book Award
Amy’s book was a finalist in the Midwest Book Awards, and was awarded a silver foil seal for her book cover!! Thank you to everyone for your continued support on this incredible journey!

A collection of short stories originally published on Huffington Post to educate and bring awareness about traumatic brain injury

“Amy’s book not only offers insight and details on brain injuries, but it also sheds light on an often-over looked and misunderstood issue. As a traumatic brain injury survivor, it gives me hope that one day the traumatic brain injury community will finally get the recognition and help it needs.”
★ Ali Wallace, Miss Oregon 2015 & TBI survivor

“Traumatic brain injury causes your world to implode. The effects of TBI are far-reaching and long term; touching every imaginable part of your life, the lives of those you love and those who love you. Amy weaves her own story and the stories of others who have sustained a TBI with important education that provides both help and hope.” ~ Lee Woodruff, New York Times #1 bestselling author and contributor, “CBS This Morning”

“Often invisible, TBI takes a toll, not just physically and cognitively, but emotionally and socially, as friendships and empathy are tested “to the max.” Amy explains TBI so vividly that the TBI-er feels exonerated, understood, and no longer alone. Those whose loved ones are touched by TBI are given a glimpse and better understanding of their world.

Amy’s escape from a dark, lonely place of desperation to a vibrant voice advocating for TBI is an inspiration to all. Her first-person account and collection of personal stories, the factual information, ideas for encouraging and caring for TBI friends and family, and the many resources is incredible on its own merit—but it’s truly phenomenal considering it was all written while coping with the challenges of TBI.”

★ Marlene, Kansas, caregiver-from-afar


Every 13 seconds someone in the United States suffers a Traumatic Brain Injury. That’s over 3.5 million people per year just in the U.S. 

In February 2014 Amy Zellmer slipped on a patch of ice and fell, forcibly landing on the back of her skull. The impact briefly knocked her out, and when she started to get up, she immediately knew something was very wrong.

Amy had suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and was about to start a journey unlike anything she had ever experienced. Her life had changed in literally a blink of the eye.

Falls are the leading cause of TBI. Rates are highest for children aged 0 to 4 years and for adults aged 75 years and older.

This book is a collection of her short articles, most of which were originally published on The Huffington Post. Learn about what it means to have a TBI as you read about her struggles and frustrations, like the days she can’t remember how to run the microwave, or how she gets lost driving to familiar places. Understand what it’s like to suffer fatigue and exhaustion after doing a simple task that most take for granted.

Traumatic Brain Injury is the leading cause of death in the U.S. for those ages 1-44, and third overall behind cancer and heart disease.

This book is perfect for TBI survivors, their caregivers, friends and loved ones. It is a great book for survivors to give to their supporters so that they, too, can understand what those with TBI are dealing with on a daily basis.

A TBI is caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head or a penetrating head injury that disrupts the normal function of the brain. Not all blows or jolts to the head result in a TBI. The severity of a TBI may range from “mild,” i.e., a brief change in mental status or consciousness to “severe,” i.e., an extended period of unconsciousness or amnesia after the injury.

There is no cure for TBI. Many will deal with the aftereffects for the rest of their life. It can take months, years, or decades to start feeling better again. There is no correlation between the severity of the accident that caused the TBI, and the length of recover. The most severe can recover quickly, while some of the most mild cases can take years to recover. There is no magic formula, as no two TBI’s are alike.

Motor vehicle–traffic injury is the leading cause of TBI-related death. Rates are highest for adults aged 20 to 24 years.

Survivors are continually trying to find their way back to normal, and it may take them months or years before they fully understand and accept that the “normal” they once knew no longer exists. If they aren’t surrounded by loving and supportive family and friends, it can make the process all the more challenging.

Society at large doesn’t understand that EVERY single concussion is a brain injury, to some extent.

Amy is passionate about bringing TBI awareness to the public. She has found that even medical professionals are perplexed about TBI, and often don’t know how to diagnose or treat it properly. Amy’s mission is to get the information in this book into the hands of as many people as possible to spread awareness.

“I first heard of Amy Zellmer through her Huffington Post pieces. Reading her work through the eyes of a survivor, it was clear that she was writing from the vantage point of being a brain injury survivor herself. Simply put, she was speaking my language. I immediately identified with her experiences as they paralleled my own life. In Amy’s new book, she shares many of the triumphs, frustrations, pains and joys that we face within the survivor community.” ~ David Grant, author of Metamorphosis: Surviving Brain Injury and Slices of Life after Traumatic Brain Injury. David is also a staff writer for–a PBS supported web presence, as well as a contributing writer to Chicken Soup for the Soul, Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries.

*statistics in bold are sourced from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)


Amy’s Newest Book

UPDATE!!Midwest Book Award
Amy’s book was a finalist in the Midwest Book Awards, and was awarded a silver foil seal for her book cover!! Thank you to everyone for your continued support on this incredible journey!

In February 2014 Amy Zellmer slipped on a patch of ice and fell, forcibly landing on the back of her skull. The impact briefly knocked her out, and when she started to get up, she immediately knew something was very wrong.

Amy had suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and was about to start a journey unlike anything she had ever experienced. Her life had changed in literally a blink of the eye. This book is a sequel to Life With a Traumatic Brain Injury: Finding the Road Back to Normal, and is a collection of her short articles, which were originally published on HuffPost.

“Amy Zellmer is a primary example of how powerful and life changing combining personal experience, passion, and advocacy can be. Words carry the ability to transform culture and individual lives. Take a moment to read the words of Amy Zellmer and you too, may experience that transformation.”  – Ben Utecht, 2006 Super Bowl Champion and author of Counting the Days While My Mind Slips Away

“I’m so happy that Amy Zellmer keeps shining a bright light in the dark world of brain trauma. Our work is all about education and helping others who are walking this path. The best way to help yourself is to help others. Thank you, Amy, for consistently getting the word out to survivors and their loved ones. Keep on keeping on!” – Cyndy Feasel, former NFL wife and author of After the Cheering Stops


Amy’s Anthology

Surviving Brain Injury: Stories of Strength and InspirationOur anthology book is truly a community project! With over 100 contributors from across the globe, this book was successfully funded on Kickstarter in September.

You may ORDER your copy NOW!

UPDATE!!Midwest Book Award
Amy’s book was a finalist in the Midwest Book Awards, and was awarded a silver foil seal for her book cover!! Thank you to everyone for your continued support on this incredible journey!