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These books are sure to help you or your loved one navigate the murky waters of brain injury.

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Book Bundle: Life with a TBI, and Embracing the Journey $25






Bundle: Chair Yoga Pocket Guide & Card Deck $30







Book Bundle: Life with a TBI and Concussion Discussions V1 $30







Book Bundle: Concussion Discussions V1&2 $35

TBI Talk – Understanding Long COVID’s Impact on TBI Patients: Insights with Dr. Marc Ellis

Watch the video above, or read the summary post below:

In our latest TBI Talk discussion, we were thrilled to have Dr. Marc Ellis join us to shed light on the effects of long COVID, especially on those with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Dr. Ellis is renowned for his extensive work with TBI and long COVID patients, making him the perfect expert to address this crucial topic.

The Evolution of Concussion Awareness

Dr. Ellis kicked off by sharing his early experiences in treating concussions, long before there was widespread understanding. Initially, concussions were misunderstood, with limited diagnostic tools like the impact test, which often failed to identify subtle yet significant symptoms. Over time, the medical community recognized that concussions affect various brain regions differently, leading to diverse symptoms ranging from emotional disturbances to vestibular issues.

COVID-19: A New Frontier in Neurology

When COVID-19 emerged, Dr. Ellis noted the immediate neurological implications, especially the loss of taste and smell, signaling brain involvement. As the pandemic progressed, patients experienced a range of symptoms such as fatigue, cognitive deficits, vertigo, and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). This overlap between concussion symptoms and long COVID intrigued Dr. Ellis, who was well-prepared to address these complex cases.

Personal Experiences and Broader Implications

Participants shared personal stories of lingering symptoms post-COVID, highlighting the unpredictability of long COVID. For instance, one noted severe fatigue and others reported unusual symptoms like uvula inflammation. Dr. Ellis explained that COVID-19 attacks mucous membranes and embryological tissues, exacerbating pre-existing conditions and triggering new ones like POTS, irritable bowel syndrome, and cardiovascular issues.

Autoimmune Challenges and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

A concerning trend Dr. Ellis observed was among young females with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and autoimmune disorders. These patients, already prone to concussions and cardiac issues, faced severe complications post-COVID. This correlation underscores the vulnerability of individuals with pre-existing conditions to long COVID effects.

Path to Recovery: Lifestyle Changes and Brain Rehabilitation

Dr. Ellis emphasized that while there is no cure for long COVID, lifestyle changes can significantly alleviate symptoms. Reducing exposure to allergens like dairy, gluten, soy, and corn can help manage immune responses. Regular exercise, if feasible, is crucial for overall health. For brain-related symptoms, seeking specialized brain rehabilitation is vital.

He acknowledged the challenges of lifestyle modifications but stressed their importance in managing long COVID symptoms. Keeping inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein and homocysteine in check through diet and exercise can lead to improvements. Additionally, working with healthcare providers who understand brain rehab can make a significant difference in recovery.

The Journey to Gluten-Free

Amy shared their transformative journey of going gluten-free. Initially hesitant, they made the switch and within two weeks, experienced significant improvements such as reduced brain fog and inflammation. Over time, even their IBS symptoms subsided. However, occasional indulgences in gluten quickly reminded them of its negative effects, emphasizing the importance of dietary awareness.

The Impact of High Fructose Corn Syrup

Dr. Ellis highlighted the pervasive use of high fructose corn syrup in many foods. This sweetener can disrupt blood sugar regulation and, consequently, affect the autonomic nervous system, posing a serious health issue.

Benefits of Elimination Diets

For those struggling with various symptoms, elimination diets can be a practical approach. By removing potential allergens from the diet for 30 days and then reintroducing them one by one, individuals can identify specific triggers, such as gluten, dairy, or nightshades.

Understanding Immune Responses

Dr. Ellis discussed the complexity of immune responses and the role of immunoglobulins (IgA, IgM, IgG) in detecting and reacting to toxins. While standard tests often scratch the surface, they may not fully capture the gut’s reaction to various foods. Thus, seeking specialized tests and consulting functional medicine or nutrition experts can be more effective.

Post-COVID Challenges

Addressing post-COVID health, Dr. Ellis observed that people seem harder to treat post-COVID due to its multifaceted impacts on neurological, endocrine, vascular, and cardiac systems. He emphasized the importance of a holistic approach to recovery, combining traditional medicine with lifestyle changes.

The Role of Functional Medicine

Dr. Ellis advocated for functional medicine and nutrition, stressing the need to find specialists who can tailor tests and treatments to individual needs. This personalized care can be crucial for managing post-TBI and post-COVID symptoms.

Practical Advice for TBI Sufferers

For those experiencing light and sound sensitivity post-TBI, Dr. Ellis explained that these symptoms often stem from a midbrain concussion. Emotional outbursts and sensory overloads are common but manageable with the right care. He emphasized the importance of working with specialists who can provide targeted, gentle therapies to rewire the brain.

Hope and Healing

Dr. Ellis and the session’s host reassured participants that there is hope for recovery. Sharing personal experiences and professional insights, they highlighted the importance of persistence, proper support, and specialized care in overcoming the lingering effects of TBI and COVID.

Resources and Support

To assist those seeking help, the session concluded with practical resources, including contact information for Dr. Ellis’s clinic and a guide for finding reputable doctors. The emphasis was on empowering individuals to take charge of their health journey with the right support.

For those navigating the challenging terrain of TBI or post-COVID symptoms, this conversation offered a beacon of hope and practical steps towards recovery.

If you’d like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ellis and his team, please fill out this form: 

2 Often-Missed Keys to TBI Recovery with Jack Fonderwhite

I had the absolute pleasure of speaking with Jack Fonderwhite from Jackupuncture, who joined us all the way from the beautiful islands of Hawaii. As the first guest calling in from our 50th state, it was a truly special moment. Jack’s story is one of personal transformation and professional dedication, particularly in the field of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) care.

Jack’s Path to Specialization in TBI

Jack’s journey into TBI care began with his work with professional fighters and boxers in Hawaii. Initially, he was assisting them with their concussions without any formal guidance. This changed dramatically after one of his clients introduced him to a neuropsychiatrist. Through an EEG scan, Jack discovered several areas in his brain that were not functioning optimally, despite his impressive achievements and successful career. This revelation led him to adapt techniques from the neuropsychiatrist’s office, combining them with electro-acupuncture to treat himself. The results were astounding, and Jack’s brain function improved significantly within weeks.

This personal experience spurred Jack’s interest in concussions and TBI. He began collaborating with a panel of experts, affectionately known as the “concussion nerds,” led by his mentor, Welch. Jack’s mission became clear: to use his skills and knowledge to help others recover from TBIs, just as he had helped himself.

The Invisible Battle: Understanding TBI

One of the most profound insights Jack shared is that those who have experienced a TBI themselves often make the best providers. He emphasized that understanding a brain injury from a medical standpoint is one thing, but truly comprehending the day-to-day struggles and fluctuations in symptoms requires personal experience. Many of his patients have felt misunderstood and inadequately treated by healthcare professionals who do not specialize in concussions.

Jack mentioned a critical point: rest alone is not an effective treatment for TBIs. Many patients are told to simply rest, which can prolong their symptoms and delay recovery. He stressed the importance of seeing a specialist as soon as possible and not just any doctor, but one with specific training and experience in concussion management.

The Two Often-Missed Keys to TBI Recovery

Jack highlighted two crucial yet often overlooked aspects of TBI recovery:

1. **Seek Help Early**: Early intervention is vital. If you suspect a TBI, seeing a specialist promptly can significantly shorten recovery time and improve outcomes. Resting without proper treatment can lead to prolonged symptoms and even post-concussion syndrome.

2. **See the Right Specialist**: Not all healthcare providers have the necessary training to treat TBIs effectively. Specialists in concussion care, regardless of their primary discipline (be it neurology, chiropractic, occupational therapy, etc.), are essential. They have the expertise to provide appropriate treatment and support for recovery.

The Journey to Recovery

For high-performing individuals, the impact of a TBI can be especially jarring. They might still function reasonably well but experience significant cognitive impairments that affect their daily lives. Jack shared stories of patients who, despite their accomplishments, struggled with basic tasks and felt misunderstood by their doctors. Finding the right specialist made all the difference in their recovery.

Advice for TBI Patients and Their Families

Jack’s advice for those with a TBI is to never give up. He encourages patients to keep searching for the right specialist who can truly help them. For friends and family, his suggestion is to be proactive. Often, TBI patients are overwhelmed and may not be able to articulate their needs. Helping them find the right care can make a world of difference.

Connecting with Jack

Jack is passionate about helping TBI patients and invites anyone in need of assistance to reach out to him. His website,, is a great resource, and he is active on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.

As we wrapped up our conversation, Jack’s parting words resonated deeply: “You’re just one step away from finding the right person who can change things for you.” His dedication to speeding up the recovery process for TBI patients is truly inspiring. Find Jack online:

Remember, no matter how long it’s been since your injury, there is always hope and help available. Keep looking and don’t settle until you find the care you need.

Aloha and thank you, Jack, for sharing your journey and insights with us!

Listen to the full podcast:

Listen to Jack’s episode on Faces of TBI HERE or wherever you listen to podcast.

Download the TBI Doctor Guide HERE.

Sponsorship Opportuities Available

I am creating some sponsorship opportunities for interested parties. Whether you’re a doctor, professional, provider, philanthropist, or someone who is passionate about TBI and concussion awareness, I appreciate your support!

As you are probably aware, I am a dedicated advocate to creating awareness about the devastating consequences of TBI and concussions. I am a TBI survivor approaching my 10-year anniversary and have created a loyal following on social media, email, and in-person.

I have published five books (with a sixth on it’s way in 2024 to celebrate my 10th anniversary), created a podcast, a facebook group, and also present across the country at numerous brain injury conferences and events. Additionally I weave TBI into everything I do in the “normal” world as well.

If you have any questions on the sponsorship levels, or would like to discuss creating a package specifically for you, email: amyzellmertbi at gmail

Statistics and Demographics:
Amy’s TBI Tribe – 10,900 engaged members
Social Media Reach – over 55,000 across multiple platforms
Email Reach – over 9,000
Podcast Downloads – Over 3,000 per month
Podcast subscribers – Over 1,400 on Apple Podcasts alone
Top Countries: US, Canada, UK, New Zealand, Australia
77% female with a median age of 45


1. Social Media Sponsor: Receive a write-up on my blog either about you, your company, your mission, or your product. The post will be shared on social media (facebook, linkedin, instagram) as well as other social media mentions up to four times (in a one month period). I have a combined reach of over 55,000 across all platforms.
Cost: $250 per month or $3,000 for the year

2. TBI Tribe Group Sponsor: Receive a mention as a major sponsor on the banner of my Facebook group of 10,800 members and growing. Additionally, receive a write-up on my blog and distributed through my email list recognizing you as the current sponsor. You are also encouraged to engage and interact on posts within the group (at your discretion).
Cost: $1,000 per quarter or $4,000 for the year

3. “TBI Talks” Sponsor: We will record “TBI TV” live in my Facebook group and on all my other pages 2-3 times per month. This video is then transcribed and summarized as a blog post, and distributed through my email list, and lives on my YouTube channel under “TBI TV.” Additionally, we promote the dates ahead of time on social media and through email.
Cost: $1,800 per quarter or $6,000 for the year

4. Podcast Sponsor: Receive a commercial as the podcast sponsor of my weekly podcast “Faces of TBI” (available on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts). This podcast has developed a loyal following over the past 8 years and 240 episodes. With over 3,000 downloads per month, it is in the top 5% of all podcasts worldwide.
Cost: $2,500 per quarter (approx $200per episode) or for a substantial discount of
$8,000 for the year  (approx $150 per episode)

5. Concussion Discussions Summit Sponsor: Receive mention as the sponsor at the beginning of each video in this series, as well as on all promotional and follow up emails. Additional coverage as the sponsor will be distributed on social media leading up to and during the live summit, as well as on the banner in the private FB group.  Additionally you will receive the full list of new attendees who register for the summit (approx 3,000). In addition to those registered, it also goes out to our entire email list. Also, you will be included in the Concussion Discussions Volume 3 Anthology and listed as the collaborator.
Cost: $7,500 

6. Concussion Discussions Volume 3 Contributor: Be a part of this growing anthology and summit series. Your article will be included in this year’s anthology (fall 2024 release), and you will also be recorded and part of the video summit series. Includes professional editing, formatting, printing, an online launch party, Kickstarter promotion, and much more. Download full PDF
Cost: $1,500

Lock in your sponsorship by clicking the payment amount. You will be directed to Paypal to check out (you can pay by credit/debit card if you like by clicking that option underneath the login)

NOTE: there is no exclusivity on any of the above sponsorship levels. If you wish to consider being an exclusive sponsor, please let me know how we can work together for a win-win partnership!

The Science Behind Intermittent Fasting and Brain Health: An In-Depth Discussion with Dr. Perry Maynard

In the realm of health and wellness, few topics have garnered as much attention in recent years as intermittent fasting. Its proponents tout its benefits, ranging from weight loss to improved blood sugar regulation. But what about its effects on brain health? In this insightful conversation with Dr. Perry Maynard from Integrated Brain Centers in Denver, Colorado, we delve into the world of intermittent fasting and its potential impact on individuals, particularly those recovering from brain injuries.

Defining Intermittent Fasting: Intermittent fasting involves cycles of eating and fasting within specific timeframes. Dr. Maynard explains that there are various approaches, ranging from shorter fasting periods (12-18 hours) to more extended periods. The aim is to encourage the body to switch to alternative energy sources when glucose stores are depleted. This is particularly relevant for brain health, as it can help stabilize energy levels during metabolic crises associated with brain injuries.

Ketosis and Brain Recovery: Dr. Maynard highlights the significance of ketone bodies in brain recovery, particularly after a traumatic brain injury. During a brain injury, there’s a metabolic crisis that can lead to hypo metabolism and energy instability. Ketones, produced during fasting or ketogenic diets, offer an alternative fuel source for brain cells, potentially aiding in stabilizing brain energy levels and reducing hyper-excitability.

Intermittent Fasting vs. Ketogenic Diet: The conversation shifts to the distinction between intermittent fasting and ketogenic diets. While both can lead to improved insulin sensitivity, weight loss, and reduced inflammation, Dr. Maynard suggests that intermittent fasting, on its own, may not always result in entering a ketogenic state. Individuals aiming for the benefits of ketosis might find intermittent fasting to be a helpful tool when combined with a ketogenic diet.

Tailoring to Individual Goals: Dr. Maynard emphasizes that health and wellness strategies, including intermittent fasting, must be personalized to individual goals. He acknowledges the proposed benefits of intermittent fasting, such as improved blood sugar regulation, but notes that its effectiveness varies among individuals. For some, the additional stress of fasting might not be suitable, especially for those trying to recover from chronic health issues or brain injuries.

Strategies for Optimal Brain Health: Dr. Maynard’s insights lead to several key takeaways for optimizing brain health:

  1. Prioritize protein and fat-rich breakfasts to stabilize energy levels throughout the day.
  2. Consider discontinuing eating 2-3 hours before bedtime to enhance sleep quality.
  3. Tailor eating patterns to suit personal goals, whether they involve recovery, muscle gain, or weight loss.
  4. Utilize wearable devices like smartwatches or activity trackers to monitor sleep patterns and make informed adjustments.

Conclusion: Intermittent fasting is indeed a buzzword in the health world, but as Dr. Perry Maynard’s expertise illustrates, its benefits are nuanced and should be viewed through the lens of individual needs. While intermittent fasting has the potential to offer metabolic advantages, its suitability for brain recovery varies from person to person. As with any health strategy, personalized approaches that prioritize balanced nutrition and energy stability are crucial for achieving optimal brain health.

If you’re enjoying these TBI Talks, please consider supporting it for $5 a month with a Patreon membership.

Navigating the Complex World of Persistent Post-Concussive Symptoms: A Conversation with Dr. James Masterson

Today, I have the privilege of talking to Dr. James Masterson, the Director of Sports Medicine and the Concussion Center at Excela Health in Greenberg, Pennsylvania. He’s been deeply involved in concussion management for over 20 years, particularly focusing on sports-related concussions. However, his interest has expanded to include adults dealing with persistent post-concussive symptoms, a group that often faces misunderstandings and a lack of appropriate medical evaluation. Dr. Masterson and his team, comprising athletic trainers, therapists, chiropractors, yoga meditation instructors, and more, collaborate to enhance outcomes and well-being for these individuals.

Understanding Concussion and Persistent Symptoms:
Dr. Masterson eloquently breaks down the mechanics of a concussion. He explains that a concussion involves mechanical, neuro-inflammatory, and chemical changes within the brain. These changes require the brain to utilize its energy, making rest and recovery crucial in the early stages. However, he emphasizes that there’s a difference between appropriate rest and complete inactivity. Thanks to advancements in research, we now know that early activation and exertion can significantly benefit recovery.

The Importance of Finding the Right Help:
One of the challenges individuals face is finding the right healthcare provider who truly understands their condition. Many general practitioners and even neurologists might not have adequate knowledge about concussions, leading to misdiagnoses or dismissive attitudes. Dr. Masterson stresses the importance of finding a provider who listens and is dedicated to finding solutions tailored to each individual. He highlights the importance of not giving up and seeking the right treatment until you regain a high quality of life.

Help for Children and Young Adults:
Dr. Masterson also sheds light on the potential impact of concussions on children and adolescents. He discusses how head injuries during a crucial period of brain development can result in long-lasting effects, such as learning difficulties or emotional changes. He suggests that schools implement periodic checks to assess cognitive health and mental well-being in students, especially those who have experienced concussions. By catching potential issues early, interventions can be put in place to prevent long-term challenges.

Final Thoughts and a Message of Hope:
As our conversation draws to a close, Dr. Masterson leaves us with some encouraging words. He emphasizes the potential for recovery through neuroplasticity, the brain’s remarkable ability to adapt and heal. He urges individuals not to settle for a life where they can merely get through the day but to strive for a fulfilling and joyful existence. By seeking the right help, being persistent, and continuing to pursue brain recovery, everyone can work towards a brighter future.

Connect with Dr. James Masterson:
If you’re interested in learning more or reaching out to Dr. Masterson and his team, you can visit their Facebook page at

I hope you found today’s podcast episode both informative and inspiring. As always, thank you for tuning in to the Faces of TBI podcast series. Remember that there is help, hope, and support available for those dealing with persistent post-concussive symptoms. Don’t hesitate to reach out to knowledgeable professionals like Dr. Masterson and his team to embark on your journey to recovery.

Listen to the full episode here:

If you’re enjoying this podcast, please consider supporting it for $5 a month with a Patreon membership.

Blood Sugar Regulation After Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): A Comprehensive Guide

In this month’s TBI Talk, Dr. Shane Steadman from Integrative Brain Centers in Denver, Colorado, delves into the critical topic of blood sugar regulation after a traumatic brain injury (TBI). This informative discussion sheds light on the intricate connection between brain health and blood sugar balance. Let’s explore how maintaining stable blood sugar levels can significantly impact your recovery and overall well-being.

Timestamp: 1:03 – Setting the Stage

The Brain-Body Connection: Dr. Steadman emphasizes the interconnectedness of the brain and the body, highlighting the need to consider both aspects in the healing process after a TBI. Blood sugar regulation is a prime example of this interplay, often overlooked in the quest for improved brain health.

Timestamp: 2:05 – Integrating Functional Medicine and Neurology

The Role of Blood Sugar: Blood sugar, or glucose, is a vital fuel source for the brain and the body. Dr. Steadman explains the importance of stable blood sugar levels in maintaining optimal brain function and overall health.

Timestamp: 3:39 – Unpacking Blood Sugar Basics

Effects of Rollercoaster Blood Sugar: Fluctuations in blood sugar levels can lead to mood swings, energy crashes, brain fog, and other symptoms. Dr. Steadman discusses how unstable blood sugar can exacerbate TBI-related issues and hinder the healing process.

Timestamp: 5:45 – Rollercoaster Blood Sugar and Its Impact

Low Blood Sugar After TBI: Contrary to popular belief, brain injury can lead to low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia). Dr. Steadman clarifies the distinction between diabetes and low blood sugar after TBI, emphasizing the need to address this issue for effective recovery.

Timestamp: 7:00 – Low Blood Sugar and Brain Injury

Sleep and Blood Sugar: The connection between blood sugar levels and sleep patterns becomes evident as Dr. Steadman explains how high blood sugar can cause difficulty falling asleep, while low blood sugar can lead to disrupted sleep and frequent awakenings.

Timestamp: 12:13 – Blood Sugar and Sleep Quality

Stabilizing Blood Sugar: Dr. Steadman offers practical insights for maintaining stable blood sugar levels throughout the day. Incorporating good fats and protein-rich foods, as well as staying hydrated, are crucial strategies to support brain health and recovery.

Timestamp: 14:51 – Strategies for Stabilizing Blood Sugar

The Power of Protein: Protein plays a pivotal role in stabilizing blood sugar and supporting brain function. Dr. Steadman shares the importance of consuming an adequate amount of protein and suggests creative ideas like protein balls and shakes for easy and nutritious options.

Timestamp: 19:11 – The Role of Protein in Blood Sugar Regulation

Hydration’s Impact: In addition to nutrition, proper hydration is key to blood sugar balance. Dr. Steadman emphasizes the significance of staying hydrated and highlights the potential negative effects of alcohol and caffeine on blood sugar levels.

Timestamp: 26:12 – Hydration and Blood Sugar

Conclusion: Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is a fundamental aspect of supporting brain health and recovery after a traumatic brain injury. By integrating proper nutrition, hydration, and a balanced lifestyle, individuals can create an optimal environment for healing and improved overall well-being.

Timestamp: 30:53 – Wrapping Up

In this comprehensive discussion, we’ve explored the crucial relationship between blood sugar regulation and traumatic brain injury recovery. By understanding the impact of stable blood sugar levels on brain health, individuals can make informed choices to enhance their healing journey. From the role of protein and good fats to the significance of hydration, these insights provide valuable tools for optimizing recovery after a TBI. Remember, small adjustments in your diet and lifestyle can yield significant benefits for your brain and overall vitality.

If you’re enjoying these TBI Talks, please consider supporting it for $5 a month with a Patreon membership.

What Is a Functional Neurologist and How do They Help Treat Brain Injury

A functional neurologist is a type of doctor, typically a Chiropractor with a DACND credential, who specializes in treating neurological conditions and disorders through targeted exercises and other non-invasive therapies. They are also sometimes called a Chiropractic Neurologist.
They aim to improve the functioning of the nervous system, including the brain, and help patients recover from conditions like traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, or other neurological conditions. 
By using techniques like eye movements, sensory stimulation, and manual therapy, a functional neurologist can help stimulate neural pathways and improve brain function. 
This approach is often used in conjunction with traditional medical treatments to optimize outcomes and improve quality of life for patients with brain injuries.
Primary benefits of seeing a functional neurologist:
  1. Improved brain function
  2. Relief from neurological symptoms
  3. Better movement coordination
  4. Improved balance and posture
  5. Enhanced sensory processing
  6. Better overall health and wellness.


Why is it hard to  find a functional neurologist near me:
Functional neurology is a relatively new and specialized field within neurology, so it may not be widely available in all areas. Here are some reasons why you may not be able to find a functional neurologist near you:
  1. Lack of availability: There simply may not be a functional neurologist in your area.
  2. Narrow specialty: Some functional neurologists only treat specific conditions or have a limited patient population, so they may not take new patients.
  3. Limited recognition: Depending on your location, functional neurology may not be a widely recognized or accepted form of treatment, and therefore, there may not be many practitioners available.


If you’re having trouble finding a functional neurologist near you, you can consider reaching out to national organizations like the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) or the International Association of Functional Neurology and Rehabilitation (IAFNR) for a referral. 
Additionally, you could consider traveling to functional neurologists in nearby cities or towns and doing a week-long intensive. 

Download my free TBI Doctor Guide HERE

Join the TBI Insiders community for exclusive content and support my work for just $8/month: 

Have you heard what I’ve been up to??

I have recently been on three podcasts that I want to share with you!!

In each of these podcasts I share my journey through traumatic brain injury, and how yoga helped me heal. I also discuss how I use chair yoga — and how YOU can help make your practice more accessible to those with an injury, or just don’t want to get down to the floor.

Click on the individual links to listen to the podcast, or find it wherever you like to listen to podcasts.

  1. The Chair Yoga Podcast
  2. Untapped Power Podcast
  3. Toward a Better Life

Join me for weekly yoga on Patreon for only $10 or $25 per month.

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