I am so excited to share with you!!
I would like to introduce to you my new partnership with Integrated Brain Centers out of Denver, CO.
Together we will bringing you a TON of fresh, new content on recovering from concussion/TBI including:
- Live educational training with open Q&A in Amy’s TBI Tribe
- Concussion Discussions (launching September 14-18th 2020)
- Informative articles in The Brain Health Magazine
Additionally, Integrated Brain Centers will be the new sponsor of my Faces of TBI podcast series and TBI TV.
Integrated Brain Centers supports patients from all over the country, offering week-long intensives as well as tele-health services. They use cutting-edge Functional Neurology techniques to help relieve symptoms including: dizziness, headaches, vertigo, neuro fatigue, cognitive decline, sleep disturbances, emotional imbalances, and so much more! Additionally, they incorporate Functional Medicine into their practice to help find underlying metabolic conditions that are hindering patient recovery.
www.integratedbraincenters.com 303.781.0126

Dr. Steadman (L) and Dr. Maynard (R)
Meet the Doctors:
Dr. Shane Steadman, DC, DACNB, DCBCN, FACFN, FAAIM, CNS, CCCN, DCCN with nearly 20 years of clinical experience, he is an expert in Chiropractic Neurology and Functional Medicine. Dr. Steadman is a leading practitioner in the area of concussions and brain injuries and works with patients in Denver, Colorado and around the United States.
Due to the extensive education, training and success rate Dr. Steadman has achieved, he is one of the most sought after health practitioners for patients dealing with tough conditions, as well as those who have gone from doctor to doctor without answers and solutions.
Dr. Steadman has been a lecturer for Apex Energetics since 2006. He teaches and educates other physicians and practitioners about the testing and clinical applications of Functional Endocrinology, Immunology and Neuro Chemistry. Dr. Steadman also, regularly appears on TV and radio programs, sharing his expertise and advice about concussions, brain injuries and a host of other conditions, such as: nutrition, stress management, vertigo, migraines and other tough cases.
Dr. Perry Maynard, DC, DACNB is a board certified Chiropractic Neurologist that specializes in the management of complex neurological cases, including post concussive syndrome, vertigo, balance disorders, movement disorders, dysautonomia, and a variety of autoimmune conditions. Dr. Maynard also enjoys taking principles from cutting edge neuroscience and applying it to sports rehabilitation and overall human performance.
Dr. Maynard first became interested in neurological rehabilitation after playing Division 1 college football for Eastern Illinois University, where he experienced multiple concussions and witnessed friends and teammates suffering without answers or options for treatment. Dr. Maynard began chiropractic school with a strong interest in both clinical neuroscience and sports medicine. Throughout his education, he was fortunate to intern with several neurorehabilitation clinics.
Some of you are probably wondering why I have a new partnership …
As many of you know, I have partnered with Dr. Schmoe and the FNC for the past three years since he treated me at his clinic. Dr. Schmoe is a brilliant doctor and without him I would not be where I am today in my recovery. I am forever grateful that he reached out to me and convinced me to come in for that initial exam.
My mission is to reach as many survivors, caregivers, loved ones, and professionals as I can in an effort to help TBI survivors get the care they need and learn about Functional Neurology and other resources sooner, rather than later, in their journey. I felt it was time to broaden my horizons and move in a different direction. I wish nothing but the very best for Dr. Schmoe and his talented team of doctors!