I know you have a powerful story of healing – and that it can be an inspiration to other TBI survivors, just like my book is. It is also quite therapeutic to write your story down, and get it out of your head (pun intended)!
But first ……. you have to get it written.
That’s why I’ve partnered with Kim Eldredge from New Frontier Books. Kim is an Amazon best-selling author (she’s been #4 on the Amazon’s Top 100 Books List) and has written and published 19 books.
She is bringing my tribe an all new, free training:
“Finally Write Your Book: 5 Ways to Focus on your Book Even WITH a TBI”
on Thursday, July 28 at 2:00 Pacific (4:00CST/5EST).
I’d love for you to be my guest.
Write The Story Of Your TBI Journey <—————> Register For Free Here!!
When you go to the link above, you’ll be able to register for this all-new webinar where Kim will
give you hands-on tips on how to write your book. And it’s 100% free!
You’ll discover:
How your inner critic is keeping you from even getting started – and what to do about it!
How to overcome procrastination and continue to write even when you’re busy or not
feeling up to it Practical strategies for getting started on your book so that you can craft a go-forward
And more!
A replay will be available if you can’t join us at that time but IF you come to the webinar live
then Kim and I will be on hand to answer your questions.
Learn How To Write Your Book <——> Register For The Webinar
I can’t wait to see you there!
Peace & Glitter,